Langå Sportsfiskerforening
Langå Campings Fangsliste
Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund
(Her kan du lave en fangstjournal på nettet)
Federation Of Fly Fishers Denmark
Ivar Thordals Hjemmeside
(Guidede fisketure i DK)
Udregning af Konditionsfaktor
Her er lige en sjov lille fiskehistorie:
Dear Dr. Phil:
When I retired, I could hardly wait to spend time enjoying my favourite pastime -- bass fishing.
I got my own little fishing boat and tried to get my wife to join me, but she just never liked fishing.
Finally, one day at the Bait & Tackle Shop, I got to talking to Sam, the shop owner, who it turned out loves bass fishing as much as I do. We quickly became fishing buddies.
As I said, the wife doesn't care about fishing. She not only refuses to join us, but she always complains that I spend too much time fishing.
A few weeks ago, Sam and I had the best fishing trip ever. Not only did I catch the most beautiful bass you've ever seen, only a few minutes later Sam must have caught his twin brother!
So I took a picture of Sam holding up the two nice bass that we caught and showed the picture to the wife hoping that maybe she'd get interested. Instead she says she doesn't want me to go fishing at all anymore! And she wants me to sell the boat!
I think she just doesn't like to see me enjoying myself.
What would you do? Tell the wife to forget it and continue my hobby or quit fishing and sell the boat as she insists?
P.S. Enclosed is a picture of Sam with the two bass we caught.
Var af sted ved åen med min kammerat Bjarne her d, 3. marts 2008, vi havde en god tur, desværre var det kun Bjarne der havde heldet med sig, men man kan jo sagtens glæde sig på andres vegne, en fin fisk på 2 kg, som blev sat ud igen (en nedgænger).
Kronhjort 24 ender.
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